Home. Busy. Help.

I am home. 


But for how long? To be continued..

I haven’t updated this thing in like 6 days.


Ironically considering that I’m never fucking here, I’m moving apartments.

Literally over the road from where I am now, but this one has an extra bedroom AND its higher up.


2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (one of which is an en suite, the other includes a bath).


I need to stop with these random hashtags.

I’m not going to though.

What else has happened?

Molly is looking into a paramedic science course, which is pretty cool.

She’s cool too.

I ate a vegan sandwich called a Vietnamese Banh-Mi.

T’was delish. Will eat again.

Here is a picture.


BBQ pulled jackfruit, pickled vegetables, coriander, vegan mayo and sriracha chilli sauce on a toasted baguette served with pickled coleslaw. 

#Appetising (I told you).

I went to see a band called Sumo Cyco with Moll and her friend Knee-V (it’s spelt Niambh but fuck me, right?).

They were pretty cool.

My view at first wasn’t too impressive.


But as the night progressed, it got better.

Here’s a song of theirs.

I had a phone call from somebody from the TV show ‘Inside The Ambulance’.

I (in my post seizure state), will be on TV at some point in the near future.





I have a PICC line now.

What is a PICC line?

I have no idea what it stands for, I’ll be honest. But it’s a long term access point to my bloodstream, so that I can have intravenous antibiotics at home or in hospital and not have to worry about being stabbed even more.

How long will it stay in?

It’ll last about six months. So.. that long.

Did it hurt?

Nope. You’re under local anaesthetic. Feels weird though. Like a little shock inside my arm.

That’s pretty much it.

Now onto what annoyed me:


It stains your skin for D A Y S .

I look like I’ve been fisting oompah loompas.

Otherwise it was alright.

Pretty sure I’ll be going home soon.

I should fucking hope so, I’ve paid two months rent and I’ve been there for like a week max.

(who’s Max??)

B u l l s h i t .

Adios amigos.