Home. Busy. Help.

I am home. 


But for how long? To be continued..

I haven’t updated this thing in like 6 days.


Ironically considering that I’m never fucking here, I’m moving apartments.

Literally over the road from where I am now, but this one has an extra bedroom AND its higher up.


2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (one of which is an en suite, the other includes a bath).


I need to stop with these random hashtags.

I’m not going to though.

What else has happened?

Molly is looking into a paramedic science course, which is pretty cool.

She’s cool too.

I ate a vegan sandwich called a Vietnamese Banh-Mi.

T’was delish. Will eat again.

Here is a picture.


BBQ pulled jackfruit, pickled vegetables, coriander, vegan mayo and sriracha chilli sauce on a toasted baguette served with pickled coleslaw. 

#Appetising (I told you).

I went to see a band called Sumo Cyco with Moll and her friend Knee-V (it’s spelt Niambh but fuck me, right?).

They were pretty cool.

My view at first wasn’t too impressive.


But as the night progressed, it got better.

Here’s a song of theirs.

I had a phone call from somebody from the TV show ‘Inside The Ambulance’.

I (in my post seizure state), will be on TV at some point in the near future.
